Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Your Investment Pyramid

Courtesy : Malaysian Investor

Your Investment Pyramid

The above pyramid is the way some professional investors and fund managers design their financial structure. It is the same way a developer would design and build a solid home.
Contrast this with an inverted pyramid. An inverted pyramid is the way of a gambler. A gambler concentrates his assets in high-risk investments such as futures or share margin financing. A gambler hopes to get rich quick. His foundation is like building a home in a flood prone area. It only takes a heavy rainstorm for the house to collapse.
The investment pyramid above illustrates that you should build a firm base before venturing into high-risk instruments such as futures or share margin financing. It also illustrates that the higher the risk of an asset class, the less capital you should allocate. While some main board shares could be riskier than some small capitalisation funds, and it is recognised that there are different types of unit trust funds, some more aggressive than others, the above pyramid serves as a very rough guide to illustrate that there are higher risks associated with different types of products.
At the top of the pyramid are futures, which include crude palm oil and stock index futures contracts. These contracts carry the highest risk so experienced financial advisers think you should only invest 5 % or less of your investment funds in this asset class, and only if you understand what the product is all about.
At the base or foundation of your pyramid are your home, your business and your money market funds. Most (according to financial advisers, perhaps at least 50%) of your assets should be here. Other investments fall in between. Should your high-risk investments fail, at least you will have a foundation to support you and give you a chance to build again.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Smart Investors

CASE STUDY – Investment Return Comparison...

En Ali was approached by Unit Trust Consultant to Invest in UNIT TRUST when he was 35 years old and his EPF savings in Acc 1 is RM100,000

The Consultant made a comparison by investing RM 50K in.Unit Trust – 10% returns X 10 yrs.. his unit trusts saving increases to RM 130K (money drawn from EPF a/c 1). Remaining RM50K in EPF generates total returns of RM77K after 10 years. (assume EPF annual returns is 4.5%)

TOTAL SAVINGS after 10 years….RM207K

If he still keeps all funds in EPF…. at 4.5% returns X 10 yrs…. he earns only RM 155K

He decide to invest in UNIT TRUST so after 10 Years at the age of 45years old he withdraw total of RM 77K+ 130K= 207k
If only from EPF (without investing in Unit Trust). Total in EPF Acc 1 is only RM155K


What Should l do to invest in Unit Trust?

Ist ... Check your EPF Statement Acc 1 ........... tell us what is your Balance (Acc 1)
2nd.... tell us what is your age?

That`s all you need to do, then we will plan and execute the relevant documents and within 2-4 weeks you will receive you investment statement.

You should be proud to be a Smart Investor and increase your wealth by investing in Unit Trust

Call 012-3290026 and we will refer you to our consultants nearest to you.